Ames Aviation, LTD · 10646 County Road O · Napoleon, OH 43545 · (419) 599-6494

Our company is your number one source for aircraft service. We surpass the competition, in not only price, but value as well. We provide a variety of services for general aviation including: maintenance, fuel sales, & hangar rental.
Our base facility is located at the Henry County Airport, near Napoleon, OH where we provide both Jet A & 100LL fuel. Our main business is maintaining aircraft, and we have worked on a wide variety of general aviation aircraft. Some include: Beech: Kingair C90, B200, 300, Bonanza, Baron, Piper Apache, Arrow, Navajo, Aero-Commander,
Learjet, Citation, & many others.
We also are capable of travel to the aircraft, our shop rate is $85.00/hr. Our Staff consists of: Jeremy Ames, Jared Ames,& Alice Ames. We are a family business, & have been in business since 2002. The maintenance we provide ranges from smaller general aviation aircraft up to large business jets, and we can travel to you!
So call us today, and start flying tomorrow!